Thank you to Acodège – DAME ARIA and the Pluriel Foundation for their contribution to the Sacree project!

We would like to highlight the central role of certain structures in the Sacree project. Thanks to their collaboration, researchers from the University of Besançon were able to conduct scientific tests with autistic youth in institutions. These data are of crucial importance for the success of our Sacree project.

We express our sincere gratitude to them for allowing the realization of these tests within their structures. We also wish to thank the APA teachers who provided valuable assistance in their implementation, as well as all the individuals working within these structures for their trust during the implementation of these tests.

The two institutions that had the confidence to collaborate with us for the realization of scientific tests with this audience are: Acodège and DAME of Grand Besançon from the Pluriel Foundation.

Acodège – DAME ARIA is a structure located in Dijon (21000), in Bourgogne Franche-Comté. DAME ARIA, acronym for Autism Medico-Educational Support Device, Gathering, Inclusion and Acodège, is dedicated to supporting autistic children, adolescents, and young adults aged 3 to 20 years old. Within this structure, Individualized Support Plans (PAI) are developed based on age and level of support needed.

The DAME of Grand Besançon site Maison du parc of the Pluriel Foundation is an organization established in Besançon (25000), in Bourgogne Franche-Comté. It is dedicated to supporting people with disabilities, social vulnerability, or dependence. The Pluriel Foundation individually supports each person with a disability in the realization and planning of various projects aimed at promoting their inclusion. Its main objective is to ensure that each individual has the opportunity to exercise their rights and fully live in an inclusive society.

All the partners of the Sacree project thank them for their participation in the project!

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