Kick-off meeting and press event in Rome

Press event at Romulea Autistic Football Club offices

In October, 17, 2022 the SACREE partners held the kick-off meeting in Rome (Italy) together with a press event at Romulea Autistic Football Club offices, aiming at spreading the word about this new and innovative project about autism and sport.

During the partners meeting, we discussed about the future outcomes of the project and the next dissemination actions, including the development of this new website and the potential opportunities of dissemination at national level.

Press event

Towards journalists from different Italian media channels, partners of SACREE presented the aims and mission of the project as well as information about what they do on sport and autism at national level. Partners also had the chance to response to some questions from media and further explain the methodology that the project will follow for its research and future results.

🎥 The press event is available in Youtube

TV piece in Rai3

After the press event held in Rome to launch SACREE project, the italian TV channel Rai3 published a piece about SACREE in their programme called ‘O anche no’ in 23 October 2022

They interviewed some of our partners to share first-hand information about the project and its aims. Also, they attended the press event and filmed part of the training of Romulea Autistic Football Club which took place after the event.

🎥 You can watch the programme here

We invite you all to follow SACREE on Instagram and Facebook page to stay updated about the latest activities!

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