The second project we would like to present to you is the SOLIDARITÉ autisme by ASPTT scheme run by the Sacree project’s coordinating structure, the ASPTT Fédération Omnisports (FSASPTT).
Since 2016, the FSASPTT has been rolling out this project, which aims to enable autistic children aged 1 to 17 to take part in inclusive sport with neurotypical children with the support of an Adapted Physical Activities (APA) educator. These sports sessions are organised in some of the ASPTT clubs and the sports activities are varied: athletics and gymnastics, racket sports, ball sports, opposition sports, etc.
The federation provides financial and educational support to ASPTT clubs developing this project, including a communication kit, a “project manager” training pack and a “supervisor” training pack.
Although the project began with the ASPTT Montpellier (southern France), it quickly spread to the rest of France and is now running in 20 ASPTT clubs, covering 130 children: ASPTTs in Marseille, Rouen, Toulouse, Montpellier, Greater Lyon, Metz, Dijon, Cholet, Caen, Brest, Lunel, Albi, Nîmes, Besançon, Nancy, Strasbourg, Limoges, Beauvais, Cayenne and Toulon.
At the same time as the project was being developed in France, it was also rolled out in West Africa, where hundreds of people took part.
Another objective has been incorporated into the project: to offer families who are carers the opportunity to take part in a sporting activity at the same time as their child, so that they can look after their health and renew their social ties.
sporting activity at the same time as their child, so that they can look after their health and re-establish social links. This is being implemented in the ASPTT club in Montpellier, where 7 people have been involved for the 2021-2022 season.
This widespread deployment has been made possible by the financial support of the Orange Foundation, Eovi Mcd Fondation, AG2R La Mondiale and the Initiative Autisme foundation.
We are using the best practices and knowledge gained from the SOLIDARITÉ autisme by ASPTT program to build our programme and our Sacree project guide. At the same time, Sacree will provide a scientific basis for the SOLIDARITÉ autisme by ASPTT scheme, enabling it to be consolidated and improved
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